I Thought technology was used positively. There is a is fine line line between the positive and negative way that technology is used today isint there?
Children learn how to type, watch videos, learn how to stop cyber bullying through wisconsins bullying law.University of Johannesburg students can use their phones or the internet to access Edulink. and to interact with lecturers and university tasks and Teachers are able to use Engrade, to manage students marks. Thats just
the positive side...
the positive side...
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Source:Gang rape www.google.com |
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Sourcehttp://www.bing.com/images/search?q=windows+phone+2012+April&view=detail&id=056754BAA8FE39145C7BB6129290C694D00F88AC&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR |
The manner of which these soweto youths used technology expresses how technology can be horribly abused. These Soweto youths had to have a video capturing phone to record this. What is going on in our youths minds today? Is the creation of new phones with cameras, and videos an excuse to behave this way?
Is technology really to be blamed? The issue may lie around the background of the boys who raped the girl, it is however not an excuse but we have to ask ourselves that for these boys to do such a thing where did they get the idea.
@ thee workplace, thank you for your question.I agree with your statement that it is not an excuse. Yes I feel that technology and any person who wrongfully uses it, is to be blamed.If these soweto youths did not have a cellphone or a technological tool such as a video camera where would they get the idea to record an event such as this?
technology has nothing to do with what they did,they actually silt there fate buy making the video. i think the main problems come from there back round, if they were taught respect for one another things like this wouldn't happen. I could never blame technology for making our lives easy..... But how you use it is up to the user and there is nothing we can change about it. I'm glad they have evidence to take them straight to jail and away from the innocent........... But that's just what i think.....
i agree with you T-quiet technology is not to be blamed this has to do with us people and how we use media but really sometimes i wonder why people use media to show that they do not have morals
@thee workplace do you thimk that what young people are exposed to with the use of technology is to blame for their actions leading to this?
T-queit technology is not to blames, we have to see what we can do, we cannot rely on things and blame techonolgy.
@ Tquiet Thank you for your response. I agree that technology makes life easy but I also feel that it is horribly abused.Im also glad technology helped to ensure that there is evidence to put them into jail.
@ grace mokobane thank you for your response, I feel that I also question why people misuse technology by showing they have no morals technology should be used for good intentions and not for bad intentions
@ shadeline the use of technology should be properly used we definetly need to see what can be done about the wful abuse of technology
Every time I read about this story it saddens me and leaves a void in me, like I fail to understand what the youth of today has come to be, how can they act as monsters!Yet technology has to be dragged in as being bad, its a matter of how people use it thats the problem here and well in this case don't you think it has come in handy? In exposing these boys who I believe have been taught morals just that they have shamed their families by not applying them. I'd also say peer presure had something to do with this whole act.
@ Motlatsi, The misuse of technology is sad and its a pity that technology is dragged in the mud.Yes I believe that Technology came in handy but I also feel sometimes that the pressure it places on individuals is immense
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