Friday, May 11, 2012

Self driving technology..

I spent m y day searching for  fresh new technological gadget that has arrived and I ended up finding out that google has a  " Google self driving car".  partnered with the licence approved by Nevada. What I found amazing was how technology has developed to the extent that it is even taking control of the steering wheel.

To be honest I am excited about the impact of this technology on society as a whole.I think that sooner or later we will be having self operating machines in our homes too.  I think the easier technology makes life the better our lives become. Technology rules our lives would we be able to cope without it I think not

Friday, May 4, 2012

Power all the way

Source:Samsung Galaxy phone

The federal communications  defines technology as connection by way of radio, television , wire satellite or cable. it's clear that the term technology communication encompasses any technological gadget to create relationships between buyers of technology and the media world. 

 The creation of the  Samsung NewGalaxy S Phone which  is currently competing with Apple for smart phone market share, is just an example of how technology rules our communication lives and will continue to entice readers to be enticed by features  and continue to upgrade current  technology .

 I was also  impressed with the marketing of Sam sung and how it has beat Nokia as number 1 read more about how Samsung beat Nokia.
  Out of the 65 expert reviews only good comments were spoken about Sam sung as an organisation. which goes to show that great communication about  a brand influences peoples perspectives.

 New technology equipment placed on the market every day  places a need for organisations and persons to be up to date wit the latest gadgets
Ive seen the power of social media through the Facebok don our idea.
social media(

The use of social media  is used to express ideas, opinions and create relationships which is  one of the reasons I decided to communicate about technology on my face book and twitter account ass well. . I read an interesting blog as well  by Jessica Roger on the Social media which reinforced my view of the social media  giving  power to citizens

News such as   that of Apple TV, Linked ins jump and Space x is spread on social media.

 Technology communication has a huge impact on our society,  whether I like it or not technology has a huge  impact on my day to day life.

Lets Talk.... Media

Julius malema(
"I will lead the A.N.C ,You must put it in the archive" are words spoken by African Youth League President Julius Malema.From a  journalist perspective I believe that the media plays a role in ensuring that political leaders manage or face criticism an example is that of entertainment. Every person has the right to freedom of expression.  

The "protection of information bill",  Julius Malema trying to close down twitter   are just some of the examples to express how the medias voice is trying to be closed down by government.

Why do political leaders want to close down the medias voice? there are ethics involved in the medias voice usage.

its not the first time that they have tried to do this.  Social media is a place where your opinion and perspectives are placed for the world to see and respond, relationships are built and it is fun to exchange views and be shaped into an individual that makes decisions based on the availability of information as well as how well developed you become intellectually by reading information.
Can the media be silenced? I think it slowly is becoming silenced.